Change the Settings and See What Happens….

I like to take pictures…..or rather, capture moments.

It used to be that people were my favorite subjects to take pictures of, but then I took a photography class….

I was given a big, shiny, scary camera as a gift a few years ago.  This was something I had wanted for a long time but could never afford and Santa never brought.  This might be the best gift I ever got, and from the least expected place – my boss!  I finally decided it was time to use it as more than just a fancy point and shoot camera.

In January 2017, I fulfilled one of my New Year’s resolutions and took a photography class at a local community center.  So FUN!!!  I learned how to used more than just the “automatic” function of the camera, and managed to get a few good pics in the process.  I am nowhere near a professional, but I am having fun pushing all the buttons, and seeing what happens as a result.

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